Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne / adapt. Mark Brown
Cleveland Play House

Joe Foust, Anna Khaja, Keythe Farley, Michael Weber, and Brian Sills photo: Peter Jennings

Anna Khaja, Keythe Farley, and Michael Weber photo: Peter Jennings

Keythe Farley, Michael Weber, Joe Foust, and Brian Sills photo: Peter Jennings

Joe Foust, Anna Khaja, Keythe Farley, Michael Weber, and Brian Sills photo: Peter Jennings
"The beauty of Around the World in 80 Days -- and there is plenty of beauty in the Cleveland Play House production that opened Wednesday -- lies in its crafty conceits-within-conceits. And in the just-so execution of those conceits by the superb creative team at the Play House... How better, then, to make a modern stage adaptation of this novel, which for most of its English-language career has been called 'boy's reading' and is only now getting its due as comic literature, than to set it entirely in the study of hero Phileas Fogg, at No. 7 Savile Row, Burlington Gardens, London?... In the hands of director Bart DeLorenzo and his cast and crew, the parade of characters makes caricatured fun of the various British Empire personalities along the way, even as the actors playing those characters make fun of the baldly theatrical conventions used to tell the story." -- Tony Brown, Cleveland Plain Dealer
Cleveland Play House, January 2009