Attempts on Her Life by Martin Crimp
Unknown Theater

Liz Davies, Don Oscar Smith, Taras Michael Los, and Diana Wyenn photo: Chris Covics

Tom Fitzpatrick and Kathy Bell Denton photo: Chris Covics

Mandy Freund, Leo Marks, Lauren Campedelli, Uma Nithipalan, and Taras Michael Los photo: Chris Covics

Liz Davies, Don Oscar Smith, Taras Michael Los, and Diana Wyenn photo: Chris Covics
Los Angeles premiere with Evidence Room and Unknown Theater, November 2007
“Martin Crimp’s play is a throwdown for the most intrepid director – there are no specified settings or characters, not even assigned speaking roles… This is theater as unapologetic experiment: Some will find Attempts pretentious and wearing; others will feel giddy in the presence of a playwright pushing the medium to its edge…With Attempts, Unknown Theater and Evidence Room affirm their reputations as mad scientists willing to blow up their lab in pursuit of something new and vital.” – Charlotte Stoudt, Los Angeles Times