Day Drinkers by Justin Tanner
Odyssey Theatre
Cody Chappel, Chloe Taylor, Todd Lowe, Maile Flanagan, and Melissa Denton photo: Ed Krieger
Chloe Taylor, Danielle Kennedy, and Jon Palmer photo: Ed Krieger
Maile Flanagan and Melissa Denton photo: Ed Krieger
Cody Chappel, Chloe Taylor, Todd Lowe, Maile Flanagan, and Melissa Denton photo: Ed Krieger
World premiere at the Odyssey Theatre, August 2011
"It's hard to tell if the balance between comedy and anger that so delicately keeps insight from teetering into petulance comes as much from the writing as from DeLorenzo's taut staging. As comedy ensembles go, the eight actors are like the well-oiled cylinders in a fine old gas-guzzling Caddie, blowing smoke in our eyes, masking roadkill and other horrors of the highway." -- Steven Leigh Morris, LA Weekly