King Lear by William Shakespeare
Antaeus Company

Norman Snow photo: Ed Krieger

Ramon de Ocampo and Seamus Dever photo: Ed Krieger

Harry Groener, John O'Brien, JD Cullum, and Greg Itzin photo: Ed Krieger

Norman Snow photo: Ed Krieger
Antaeus Company, June 2010
"I feel no regret for the investment of time, having sat through both versions at two hours and 45 minutes, including intermission. Not only is the play a wonder, you can actually hear it, with lucidity and intelligence. Most productions wear out their welcome on the heath, when the play gets mired in the sludge and drenched in the tempest, and in metaphysical ruminations so obviously borrowed by Samuel Beckett ("When we are born, we cry that we are come to this great stage of fools."). Not so DeLorenzo's staging, which just gets better as it rolls along." -- Steven Leigh Morris, LA Weekly